Saturday, April 15, 2017

Why I DNF'd Malice by John Gwynne

I started reading Malice by John Gwynne, now what feels like several weeks ago. At the time I was excited to read it, but the excitement just didn't hold.

The story runs rather slow. I'm only about 100 pages in and feel like things are still being set in place, rather than starting to move. A contributing factor is the way the chapters are set up.

The chapters are told from different characters points of view. Then each character is in a different place with different supporting characters. A notebook and notes is required to keep what is going on straight.

Unfortunately, I was hoping to not need to carry a notebook with me so started reading without one. Now I regret it.

This book reminds me of my experience with Game of Thrones. I read Game of Thrones by George R R Martin on the recommendation of a friend from work. I started reading, got maybe 50 pages in and realized my error. I got a notebook, and started over. I was able after maybe getting 25% through, to stop taking notes and could keep everything straight.

I also can't seem to connect to the characters; any of them. And I'm not connecting to the story since I'm having a hard time keeping the story straight.

With all this, I have completely lost interest in reading Malice. Rather than force myself to read the book, I'd rather put it down, and possibly come back to it later. So, I've put the book down, and will be returning it to the library for someone else to enjoy.

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