Monday, April 17, 2017

Camp NaNoWriMo Update

With everything else going on, this season of camp NaNoWriMo has not been as productive as I'd hoped. I thought I'd be able to at least come close to the 20,000 goal I set for myself. But now, I'll be lucky to get 5,000 words.

Work has been kicking my butt. I've been given additional responsibilities, but they don't have anyone yet to take over my previous responsibilities. So I have 3 main responsibilities which are to be divided by 100%, 50%, and 50%...which is 200%, and last I checked, the work day still only has 8 hours in it. I think with that revelation, it goes without saying, I've been brining work home a lot.

I also didn't pre-film and edit as many videos as I'd hoped for VEDA, because about the time I decided on this, is when I was warned of the additional responsibilities at work, so I had to put the videos for VEDA to the side to get things done for the job that pays the bills. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather be doing this, but it doesn't pay the bills, or at least not yet. So A LOT of my time, and I mean A LOT has gone to filming, editing, and uploading.

How many words have I written?...

...Well...umm....(runs and hides, leaves a paper with a number for you to pick up. You pick up the paper. The number written is 600.)

Yes, okay, I know. 600 words feels like I've written nothing. Things are not going in my favor. I literally have not done much else besides working, filming, or editing. Okay, yes I've been eating, but while eating I've been planning out a video, or thinking of a blog post to write. I haven't even been watching many YouTube videos this month. I've listened to a fact, I'm listening to one right now while I type out this post.

What will my final word count be for Camp NaNoWriMo? At this point I'm seriously hoping for the 5,000. But even this I fear may be out of my reach at this point. Now, excuse me, it's almost 11:00 pm and I still have projects for work to finish, and haven't filmed a video for tomorrow yet.

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