Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Weeding

So, this weekend had 2 major projects. One was for my fiance's work. They are participating in a company volleyball tournament tomorrow. They were going to have shirts professionally made but...that fell through. Instead, they ordered the shirts and then Jeff and I for the first time in our lives, figured out iron on numbers and fabric markers. I ironed on all the numbers, then we stenciled on the names for each shirt. It was a learning experience.

The other project was weeding the garden. Since we still haven't finalized our garden layout and what plants we would like, I haven't been too concerned with keeping up the garden. But the tall grasses and trees that have started to grow have gotten a little out of hand. So, my goal is each week to fill our 32 gallon trash can that we use for compost. This week I had no problem doing so. I first weeded the smallest flower bed we have on the side of our house which faces the main road in and out of the neighborhood. This filled the can 3/4 of the way. Then, I got busy finishing what my mother started along the fence.

The fence looks nice now. And since I did this, I was able to leave the white flowers that in the yard are weeds but a few were working their way up the fence and I realized I liked how it looked.

After weeding though, I think I need to look at garden centers and nurseries for some vine plants. The white flowers are few and far between. I think right now we have one tall one, and two or three that are only a few spaces up so you can't even tell they are there. So I've added more plants to the list of decisions that need to be made.

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