Sunday, January 19, 2014

Considering a Walking Desk

Did I just confuse you with the title of this post? Are you thinking I've gone off my rocker? Desks don't walk. You're absolutely far as the desks don't walk part. I'm not referring to a walking desk, but a desk you walk at.

A walking desk is basically a treadmill with a desk you can work at. One of my Christmas presents this year was a FitBit Flex. In addition to my poor sleeping habits, I've been able to identify that unless I go to the office for my regular job where I'm walking to and from the printer and cafeteria, I sit on my butt. For example see my step total yesterday, which was a Saturday.

My total today is even worse, and I'm making my back hurt since I have very poor posture when sitting. However I'm hesitant to actually purchase one for two main reasons.

First, nowhere to put one. At the moment our home is full up. If we actually organized some items, and started stacking we may find enough room somewhere, but still doubtful. Downstairs we are still storing furniture items and boxes for family, as well as boxes of our stuff we, for the most part, haven't touched since we moved in. Plus right now, we have our patio table and chairs which take up about half the basement.

Second, the cost. Unless I get a very basic treadmill and build myself a desk to go with it, a walking desk doesn't come cheap. The cheapest I've found is somewhere over $600. The cheapest treadmill I've found is around half that and I'm not sure I want to spend even that much.

As I start doing more for my dream job, being a writer, I spend more and more time on my butt in a chair rather than doing some kind of physical activity. A walking desk would be one way to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. I'd be able to get in some kind of physical activity and be able to work on that dream job.

What are your thoughts? Are you now thinking about a walking desk for yourself? Why would or wouldn't you get one? As far as what I'm going to do...this will take some more pondering.

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