Title: A Reaper of Stone
Author: Mark Gelineau & Joe King
Series: A Reaper of Stone # 1
Format: Kindle (eARC via NetGalley)
Length: 108 pages
Published: September 15, 2015
This was a seriously short, quick read. The only reason it took me almost a week to finish was because I'm having trouble with the tablet I use to read my ebooks on. (I need to hurry and finish 10 of my books purchased last year or sooner, so I can get the quest reward of a new tablet.)
The writing has left me wanting more. Thank goodness the second book is already published - Broken Banners. I'm trying to get through my backlog of books, but I will definitely be checking this out in the future.
Elinor is the King's Reaper, and when a noble line is ended, she goes to reclaim the land in the name of the King. The new lord of the land who she is to transfer this unclaimed land to, may not be worthy of the land. Elinor thought she'd be a hero of the old world, but now finds the old is lost, and must find a new world.
The first half of the book is basically setting the stage, but then the last half is just one thing happening after another, which is what I really enjoy in fantasy books. I love the action, and suspense. This book was perfect for me which is why I am sure to go get the next book for this series and I'll probably even go check out some of their other books not part of the Reaper of Stone series.
Over on Goodreads I rated this 4/5 stars. This was just a little too short for how great it was, and I would have preferred a little more content. But the story itself was fantastic. I felt the struggle of the characters, their pain, and wondered how everything was going to be resolved. When it was resolved, I was very satisfied as a reader. I wanted more, but I wasn't left in a lurch for what will happen next. All the issues of this story are resolved by the end.
I received a free copy of this book for review in exchange for an honest review via my request to NetGalley.com.
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