Title: Balanced on the Blade's Edge (book 1), Death Maker (book 2), and Blood Charged (book 3)
Author: Lindsay Buroker
Format: Audible
Length: 27 hours 34 minutes
Imagine waking up 300 years after being trapped in a mountain that collapsed on you. What would the world be like?
Sardelle wakes up after the mountain where her friends and family had made their home was attacked and collapsed on her. But she is no longer in her time. People are coming to break her out of the rubble, and thanks to her soul blade, she has a clue to be careful what to say to them. In this world, magic is feared. Those with dragon blood like her are killed.
There is a bit of romance as she runs into and ends up helping a soldier who arrives at the mountain, which has turned into a mine. He is sent as punishment, but really changes how the mine is run. The people there may be criminals, but that doesn't mean they should be treated as less than human.
Even if this wasn't a bind up, I'd have likely marathoned the books. Each one left me wanting more. Now, I have to go find the fourth book. This series is likely to become one of my favorites.
There is a shared feeling of being trapped and wanting out, or wondering how to safely get items needed before leaving. But then what? The family and friends you once knew are gone, long dead. Are there cities where you remember them being anymore? Are they even named the same?
To keep this spoiler free I won't say much about Death Maker and Blood Charged. I will say there were additional characters added, a new story line, and everyone gets together towards the end of the second book, and team up together to accomplish two goals in the third.
Now, I'm off to read more books already on my shelf, so I can allow myself to get the next book...I will try to be strong. (Don't be surprised if you see coming up, that I loose my inner battle and get the next book. Maybe you'll see a review of the next book in the series soon.)
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