In Frostblood by Elly Blake, it is bad to be warm blooded so to speak. Ruby is the main character, and she is a Fireblood. She hides her powers until one day she is found out, and her mother is killed. She then teams up with rebel Frostbloods to overthrow the king.

Born of Vengeance is the next book in the League series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Each year I look forward to the next book in the series. Each book follows one character and tells a little about them, how they meet their soul mate, and all while moving the main story line forward. This next novel will follow Bastien Cabarro, who we first met in Dancer's story Born of Fury.

The in Death series by J D Robb is another auto-buy for me. Echoes in Death is the next full novel in the in Death series. For those who love mystery or crime novels, you've probably picked up that "the spouse did it". This is not the case in this story when one spouse lies dead in his town home, and the other somehow managed to get away and stumbles across the road and in front of our favorite Lieutenant of the NYPSD, Eve Dallas, and her husband while they are driving home. The living spouse can only describe the person behind the carnage as "the devil".

Heartstone by Elle Katharine White is described as Pride and Prejudice in a a fantasy world, which was enough to catch my interest and make this a read I am looking forward to in 2017.

The Sword of Truth series may be at an end, but Nicci a beloved character from the series is now branching off on her own journey in Death's Mistress by Terry Goodkind. After seeing a few episodes of The Seeker on television a several years ago, I decided to try the books that sparked the series. I fell in love with the books, and seriously fell out of love with the television series. (The television series only lasted 2 seasons.) Each time I finished a book, I needed to go to the bookstore immediately and get the next book in the series. Part of the appeal of the series was the love readers developed for the main characters Richard and Kahlan. This novel will focus on one of their close enemies turned friend, and I'm interested to see if this will hold the same awe over me.
There are other books I look forward to in 2017, but they are either coming later in the year, or would fall below these 5 in my list. It will also be interesting to see which ones I purchase, as I'm going to try the challenge to read 5 before buying 1 in an attempt to cut down on the books I own and are unread.
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