Monday, August 10, 2015

Booktubeathon Wrap up

I just finished my first Booktubeathon. The Booktubeathon was started by Ariel Basset and this year it ran from August 3 to August 9. (This is why there were like 0 posts here. I was busy reading.) There were 7 challenges involved and I managed to complete all 7, including to read 7 books!

My strategy was to choose some shorter books as well as a couple audiobooks. Since the Booktubeathon was a week long, and I work at least 40 hours each week, I knew I wasn't going to have a lot of time for reading.

The seven challenges and books I read for each are:

  1. Read a book with Blue on the Cover: Old Dog New Tricks by Hailey Edwards. Book 4 in the Black Dog series. I received a free copy from for review so look for a review to be posted here soon.
  2. Read a book by an author who shares the same first initial of their last name with you: Paladins of Shannara, The Black Irix by Terry Brooks. (My maiden name starts with a B.)
  3. Someone else's favorite book: Legend by Marie Lu.
  4. The last book you acquired: Hunter by Mercedes Lackey. I had received a free copy from for review; I'll have my review posted either the end of this month or early next.
  5. Finish a book without letting go of it: Durarara!!
  6. A book you really want to read: Sword Art Online: Aincrad. My fiance introduced me to the anime, which I have become obsessed with. I wanted to see how the manga compared.
  7. Read 7 books: Taken in Death by J D Robb

I'm feeling really good right now, having met the goal and challenge set before me to read 7 books. Did you also participate in the Booktubeathon? I'm interested to know how you did and if this was your first time participating. Or tell me how your strategy changed from last year to this year, or how your strategy will change for next year. Please let me know in the comments.

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