Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Life Update

So I came back from vacation and had the best of intentions...but then life threw a few lemons.

One lemon being my office job; I've been given some projects that have required more of my time. I'm hoping I have it under control now, at least for the most part. Another lemon was that I recently lost an Uncle. I wasn't very close to him, but I am close to my Aunt. So I made sure I was there for her.

I've done some exploring, and blogger has a tool already built in that allows blog posts to be scheduled, or I could simply save them off. I've also invested in Hootsuite for some of my other social media outlets. This way I can prepare videos and posts in advance so that when life throws a few hurdles, I will hopefully have things already under control and be able to just go in and schedule a few things if necessary.

I promise more posts coming soon, in fact I just posted a new YouTube video this morning which you can watch here: This was my first Top 5 Wednesday video, and the video for this week was top 5 character tropes. I also have a review of Moonwitched coming soon; I just have a little more of the book to read.

Stay tuned, the Lemon Meringue Pie is coming. (I am tired of lemonade.)

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