Well, I finally got the 5 or so bags of insulation saved from redoing the Family Room ceiling out of the Furnace Room and back in the attic. Since there was only a small access door I carried the bags up one by one. It was quite interesting since I was doing this by myself so there was no one to hand me the bags. I made several trips up and down the ladder, to and from the shelf in our bedroom closet and through the small door.
I first had to basically clear everything out of the closet so I didn't get insulation stuck in everything. I also blocked off the door to the bedroom since we have 2 curious dogs, I didn't want them coming to find out what I was doing and get insulation stuck in their paws, I know it can be itchy for humans, I didn't want to find out what reaction they would have. So I was also careful to not walk through the rest of the house anymore than I needed so I didn't track the insulation myself out of the room where the dogs could yet find it.
Then I "suited up". I put a bandanna on my head to keep the insulation from getting stuck in my hair, and of course safety glasses and dust mask. I wasn't wearing gloves when I took the above photo, but I did wear gloves when I went up. For me the insulation itself isn't a problem, the sap, cobwebs, and layers of dust that are up there are. I learned from previous trips up into the attic, that dust does not like me. It only takes a minute before my nose is running or I have to sneeze. So I was as careful as I could to stir as little dust as I could.

While up there, I grabbed a measuring tape and measured the vents on the sides of our house. Sometime soon we hope to redo the siding because part of this project will be to open the exterior facing wall in our bedroom where we had termites and repair the damage. Also, whoever previously sided the house...sided over these vents. So I snapped the picture to know what shape they even were and crawled my way over to measure them so we will know what size to get.