We've started thinking about what we want to get done/fixed this year. One of the top things on our list is the Family Room. It needs basically new everything.
The one thing we have covered is the new Fireplace door. We did that last year. Now we need a new floor, the ti
les that are currently in place are chipping and have corners missing. Remove the quarter round molding in every corner of the room...no I'm not exagerating. Okay, I'll give them that there is no quater round along the floor and the bricks of the wall with the fire place. We are also looking at putting in French Doors since the garage door is through the patio door. Currently we have a garage door opener sitting on our kitchen table - the kind you would put in your car - and use that to open and close the garage when coming or going. This is a pain as when you come in you immediately are thinking of putting away the groceries or something and we have forgotten to close our garage. Thankfully one of us is still out and will close it when we get back. The Family Room is also getting the wood panels currently on the walls taken down, and new paint on walls and ceiling.
We are also pricing out furnaces since we were told when we bought this place that the current furnace is probably at the end of it's life. Thankfully it has not given out yet. Knock on wood (knock, knock). We would also like to put in a tankless water heater but this may end up waiting for another time.
Window treatments and new windows may also be coming this year. Window treatments are definately coming this year, it's iffy on the new windows. A few feel like they are not installed correctly or have come away from the opening. Hopefully this will help drown out some of the outside noises too. Let's just say don't go planning a surprise party for one of us while standing in the driveway with the other. The person you intend to surprise will hear everything unless you whisper.
There is also one surprise "project" that will happen either this year or next year. But this is all I'm saying on that subject.
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