Books Read:
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas: I LOVED THIS BOOK!! I listened to the audiobook and could not (okay there were points I had to, but I didn't want to) stop reading.
This is the final book in the Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy. It's upsetting to say goodbye to our friends, but this is so awesome I forgot it was the last book.
In the second book Feyre returned to the Spring Court to play spy. In this book she is playing her little game in the Spring Court. Avoiding spoilers if you by chance have not read this book yet, all I'll say is I would hate to go against Feyre in a game of Chess.
The ending was unexpected, and so perfect how things happened and got wrapped up.
Poison Study by Maria V Snyder: This book was entertaining, and I enjoyed listening to the audiobook. I listened to this mostly while running outside training for a 5k.
The main character has committed murder. In this world, murder is inexcusable. It doesn't matter if it was self-defense, if you commit murder, you are sentenced to death. Luck is with her though and she is offered the job of food taster.
I think the true plot with the father of the man she killed trying to have at her and the secret plot he is running is entertaining. I did not guess what he was truly after. I had ideas, but I didn't come close to how he was going about things.
If you don't know what to read, and are looking for something kind of smooth to read but entertaining, I think you would enjoy this book.
Currently Reading:
So if you read my last post, you'll know work has been getting in the way of my reading and fun time. Well, this is the only reason I have for not finishing this book yet...okay it's not the only reason. The other reason is my tablet is retarded, and it's time to replace it. When I open any of my apps to read a book, the app will crash. Due to this impending crash, and the 3 or more crashes that typically follow, I do not exactly look forward to reading.
Having said that, when my Kindle app does allow me to read this book, I have been completely absorbed. In fact I was almost late for work once because I completely lost track of time and just managed to finish getting ready before my Dad arrived to drive to work together.

Okay, I must be honest. I think from all the hype maybe, I was expecting a bit more from this book. I borrowed the audiobook from my library, and am in no hurry to finish. I'm tempted to DNF this book, however I only have a little over 2 hours to go. I feel at this point, I may as well finish the book. If I can manage this before it's due back, you'll see this appear shortly after the month starts on my Goodreads.
Books I'm looking forward to reading in June:
Yes I realize this has been on my list for...a reeeeeaaaly long time. But, I even took it with me on vacation for Memorial Day weekend. I had every intention of finishing Fall of the Dragon Prince, and after I finish that I was going to this book. Well, things happen, and work happened, so I still haven't gotten to this. Hoping really hard, June 2017 will be the month I read Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes.
What books are you looking forward to reading in June? Let me know in the comments! :-) Happy Reading!
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