Well a few weeks ago I planted some seeds for 4 different kinds of lettuce (of which only 3 sprouted), onions, and spinach. They sprouted within a few days and you can even see from the picture some of them have really taken off. Now it's a matter of planning out where to put them in the yard exactly. We have an idea of where we want to put them, but don't know exactly how big we will make the garden.
I started the seeds with a few items from Meijer. I purchased some seed starting soil, a 72 cell tray for planting with a cover to keep the moisture in, and of course some seeds. From the seeds, I found some that should be planted in April but could be started 2-3 weeks early indoors and started with those. I had 8 which worked out well, and I put each seed in 9 cells. I then took some post-it labels and labeled what each 9 cell square was. I've kept them on our kitchen table so they can get sunlight and I see them everyday and am reminded to check the soil to see if they need some water.
Soon I will transplant them into larger pots and start some new seeds. I'm not ready to plant them in the ground yet as we could still have some frost which could kill the plants.