Okay so we've all heard the saying before. But you can never learn this lesson enough, or at least I seem to need to learn this lesson over and over again.
My boyfriend and I went on vacation for a week. I requested our mail be stopped and my parents stopped by to make sure our mail was not being delivered. Well.... I've slacked a little bit on my weeding and other gardening duties. So my mother now has the idea of having a garden party at our house with my full family bringing a plant each and they get to weed a section of garden and then plant their plant there.
Now I don't know about your families, but just the thought of this party, and my mother would go through with it, was enough to get me to go out and start weeding. How bad does the garden look that my parents would seriously consider this party? Take a look, and this is after I weeded a section.
Can you even tell where the grass ends and the garden begins? I can kind of, only because some of it is taller than the rest. You can kind of see the area I weeded on the left under the large window. I plan on doing more tomorrow morning, and will do a little each day. Apparently I also need to put an air conditioner unit on the side because my mother is also insisting upon purchasing window treatments for us. Yes, we've been living here for almost 2 years and don't have window treatments yet.
So, once again, lesson learned. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.